Turcato Giulio





MANTOVA 1912 – ROMA 1995

Turcato was born in Mantua on February 19, 1912 He left his native city and attended the Venice Academy’s school of nude studies in the early 1930s before moving to Milan and finding work in the firm of the architect Giovanni Muzio in 1937 Pulmonary illness led to frequent stays in sanatoriums Having taken up painting, he found stimuli in the Cubist art of Pablo Picasso
His long participation in the Venice Biennale began by invitation with the 23rd Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia in 1942 He then moved to Rome a few months later and joined the Resistance



Contact us

Via Senato, 24 – 20121 – Milano

Opening time:
From Monday to Friday
from 10.00am to 1.00pm
and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm