Cavaliere Alik





The son of poet Alberto Cavaliere and Russian Jewish sculptor Fanny Kaufmann, he is one of the great masters of contemporary art of the second half of the 20th century After a childhood partly conditioned by his father’s anti-fascist activities and anti-Semitic laws, he completed his studies at the Liceo Berchet in Milan and graduated from the Brera Academy, under the guidance of Manzù, Funi and Marino Marini, whom he succeeded to the chair of sculpture

His multifaceted and ever-renewed activity puts head to several cycles of works that investigate and elaborate the relationship of man and artist with nature, with others, with the founding myths of existence and social life

He began his exhibition activity with a group show in 1945, while his first solo show was held at Galleria Colonna in Milan in 1951 After an initial season of figurative realism, 1957-58 saw the birth of the cycle of Forbidden Games, “a metaphor, as Elena Pontiggia writes in the Catalogue of Sculptures, for the relationship between existence and nature, between instinct and thought, between reason and violence,” and he began to deal with the theme of Metamorphoses, which would remain central to all his research In 1960 he set the series of Gustavo B



Contact us

Via Senato, 24 – 20121 – Milano

Opening time:
From Monday to Friday
from 10.00am to 1.00pm
and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm