Catalogue raisonné of lithographic works by Joan Miro’ from 1930 to 1952. Critical notes by Michel Leris, catalogue and notes by Fernand Mourlot, Italian edition by Guido Guastalla and Luigi Toninelli. Publisher: Edizioni Toninelli Arte Moderna, Milan – Graphis Arte...
JOAN MIRÒ. Litografo II
Catalogue raisonné of lithographic works by Joan Miro’ from 1953 to 1963. Preface by Raymond Queneau, Italian edition by Guido and Giorgio Guastalla, translation by Piero Sinatti. Publisher: Graphis Arte Editore, Livorno – Edizioni Toninelli Arte Moderna, Milan...
Mirò Joan
BARCELLONA (SPAIN) 1893 - PALMA DI MAIORCA (SPAIN) 1983 Born to the families of a goldsmith and a cabinet-maker, Joan Mirò grew up in the Barri Gòtic neighborhood of Barcelona. His father was Miquel Miró Adzerias and his mother was Dolores Ferrà. He began drawing...
MIRÒ – Je travaille comme un jardinier
Coloured lithograph inch 16.06 x 12.60 / cm 40,8 × 32 1963 NOTES: This lithograph is part of suite Je travaille comme un jardinier. EDITION: 15 copies Japon Nacré paper signed and numbered from 1 to 15 5 copies Japon Nacré paper signed H.C. and numbered from I to V 25...
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