
In order to protect our audience’s security and our good reputation, we are herewith restating that our ONLY valid email and web domain is GUASTALLA.COM and our certified mail is All other email and web domains such as, etc. do not belong to Studio Guastalla and thus are not trustable.
In case you receive offers or invoices by mail from these or other non official addresses, you are kindly requested to contact us through our email or calling us at +39 (0) 2 780918, in Milan, in order to verify.

We have furthermore taken precautions to secure our invoices. We, therefore, ask that you authenticate them, once you will receive them, by drag and dropping them to Only trust invoices which show a green thumbs-up logo in response.

We thank you and remain at your disposal for any further clarification,

Silvia and Ettore Guastalla
Studio Guastalla Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Via Senato 24 – 20121 Milano
Tel. + 39 (0)2 780918

Contact us

Via Senato, 24 – 20121 – Milano

Opening time:
From Tuesday to Saturday
from 10.00am to 1.00pm
and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm