Rapetti Mogol Alfredo






Alfredo Rapetti Mogol was born in Milan in 1961 and his artistic education owed much to the family background, in which an air of music, literature and poetry had been breathed for generations While still very young, Rapetti Mogol was introduced by his maternal grandfather, Alfredo De Pedrini, President of the Graphic Arts Association, into the artistic milieu of Milan He conceived a passion for painting, with which he combined training at the Milan Cartoon School as well as publishing activities He experimented with various styles of painting, resulting in an invitation in 1966 to join the studio of the artists Alessandro Algardi and Mario Arlati, and to share in their pictorial research In the atelier in Via Nota, Rapetti worked intensely for four years, gradually coming to the conviction that he would have to unite his two greatest passions, writing and painting, positing them as visualisations of the mental and psychological process With the aid of a special technique known as impuntura (stitching), the action of painting is fused with the act of writing, and the words begin to be marked not just on paper, but also on canvas


Contact us

Via Senato, 24 – 20121 – Milano

Opening time:
From Monday to Friday
from 10.00am to 1.00pm
and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm