Modigliani Amedeo






Amedeo Modigliani was born in Livorno, Italy, on July 12th 1884 as the fourth son of Eugénie Garsin and Flaminio Modigliani Both the Garsins and the Modiglianis descended from the Sephardic jews that were expelled from Spain and Portugal in 1492, the survivors seeking refuge in various European countries In the 19th century the Jewish community in Italy lived in freedom and prosperity, many of them doing business as merchants across the Mediterranean Eugénie Garsin (Modigliani’s mother) grew up in Marseille, France, and at the age of 15 is married to Flaminio, whose family was from a village near Rome, called Modigliani, but later moved to Livorno, in the Italian province of Tuscany Tuscany is famous for it’s literature, which may be why the mature Amedeo Modigliani would always seek the company of writers and poets Although much of the art of Modigliani is inspired by his adult life in France, his motivation can usually be traced back to his youth in Italy

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Via Senato, 24 – 20121 – Milano

Opening time:
From Monday to Friday
from 10.00am to 1.00pm
and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm