Luzzati Emanuele





GENOVA 1921 – GENOVA 2007

Emanuele Luzzati was born in Genoa and turned to drawing in 1938 when, as a Jew, his academic studies were interrupted by the introduction of the Fascist racial laws He moved in Switzerland with his family and studied in Lausanne, where he obtained his degree at the local École des Beaux-Arts Luzzati worked as painter, production designer, illustrator, film director and animator He designed his first production of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba in 1944, a collaboration with his friends Alessandro Fersen, Aldo Trionfo and Guido Lopez He returned in Italy after the war His first work as an animator was the short film I paladini di Francia, together with Giulio Gianini, in 1960



Contact us

Via Senato, 24 – 20121 – Milano

Opening time:
From Monday to Friday
from 10.00am to 1.00pm
and from 3.00pm to 7.00pm